Testimonial - Susana

I came to coaching because I was going through a period in my business where I was lacking spark.

I was hoping to reconnect with myself with my ideas; with the reason why I was doing what I was doing. I wanted to bring my leadership and coaching initiative, Insatiable Leaders, to life. Since the first conversation with Laura, everything transformed. She has turned on the light inside myself.

What I love so much about my coaching with Laura is that I cannot escape from my truth; what's true to me. Laura makes you connect to your vision and purpose to lead and overcome whatever is on your way.

The most tangible result of this program is working on my book, which is the reflection of my ideas, my thought leadership, what I believe in, and something that had been hiding inside me for four years.

My Aspirationnelles® self is now leading my business. I've reorganised my business around my ideas, my thought leadership.

My habits and my energy have reorganised around that. I really feel that I'm leading versus just taking on opportunities that were on the way. I am leading a business, instead of being led by my business.

I would recommend this programme to other leaders who are dying to come to life for their ideas and who they are. Leaders who have a purpose buried inside themselves and that they are dying to bring to life. I would say to them Laura transformed me and my business since the first session. I am now living and leading the way I’ve wanted to do it over the last four years.

Susana | Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach at Insatiable Leaders

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Laura Kressmann
Testimonial - Sena

I’ve created a business out of my creativity. ​​Before I signed up for the program, I was dreaming big, waking up to each day yearning to the day that my dream business was a success. Despite dreaming big and feeling driven, I’d have days I felt the path to success was being stretched out and my outlook on success would get foggy.

With Laura’s guidance, I re-evaluated how my daily life activities serve my own definition of success. I’m now seeing success not being tied to a future event in a dreamland. More so, it is in the now, in the daily habits and activities, it’s concrete and actionable. It’s something I have direct control in the immediate present and I can define what it is, for me and for my business. When I began to think that way, I began to feel empowered and more fun, in my own element. Maybe for the first time, I felt in charge of my own faith and unstoppable!

With the tools provided in the program to find that balance, I’ve learned about how to keep the big vision in check, stay inspired while tackling daily tasks and truly feel more connected to my purpose with the path getting clearer as I’ve been making progress one step at a time.

A year does not look so long, scary, discouraging to me anymore (before I’d think I have to pack a ton of workload and that’s gonna be work work work, I’m going to feel super exhausted and end up missing out on life). I now have more peace of mind on daily tackling.

This program is for anyone who wants to free themselves from whatever is holding them back in their creative pursuits so they can feel more grounded and focused on what they can do now rather than dreaming all day and wishing one day they will do it.

Watch the testimonial here

Sena | Creative Entrepreneur, Photograph @The Luminous Journey

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Laura Kressmann
Testimonial - Women In Tech Gaming

"I've been working in a leadership position and knew I wanted to do more leading teams, but wasn't sure what changes to make or what to learn.

I've never had coaching or training to help me step outside of myself, look at what my capabilities are, and then build on those strengths. Finding someone who could coach me on the skills I already have while also helping me to find areas I hadn't considered to help my success in a leadership role was a great experience and investment. This is a new, holistic view of myself that I hadn't seen before.

Working on my confidence and time management, I have more of a sense of control versus feeling overwhelmed and like the world was "coming at me."

Since completing this program, I now take more time as a leader to talk to my team members about their strengths and consider more how I can influence them when coordinating large projects. Looking forward, I've learned how I can shake my self doubts and feel even more confident and more focused on my leadership role.

This program is for anyone who wants to strengthen their awareness of what is needed to be a good leader. Laura is great -- she's easy to talk to and she helps you pull out what those qualities are."
— Program Manager | MICROSOFT

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Laura Kressmann